Here’s a list of unlockables in Dead Space 3…
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding set/suit:
Alien Circuit Set: Collect all Alien artifacts.
Builder’s Circuit Set: Collect all blueprints.
Clip Circuit Set and Legends Suit Set: Successfully complete the game on the Casual difficulty.
Clip Circuit Set, Legends Suit Set, and Reload Circuit Set: Successfully complete the game on the Normal difficulty.
Clip Circuit Set, Legends Suit Set, Reload Circuit Set, and Rate Of Fire Circuit Set: Successfully complete the game on the Survivalist difficulty.
Clip Circuit Set, Legends Suit Set, Reload Circuit Set, Rate Of Fire Circuit Set, and Damage Circuit Set: Successfully complete the game on the Zealot difficulty.
Comms Circuit Set: Collect all audio logs.
Crafter’s Circuit Set and the S.C.A.F. Deep Dig Suit: Collect all weapon parts.
EarthGov Circuit Set: Collect all EarthGov artifacts.
Research Circuit Set: Collect all text logs.
S.C.A.F. Circuit Set: Collect all S.C.A.F. artifacts.
Silver Adaptor Set and S.C.A.F. Flight Suit: Collect all artifacts.
Silver Attachment Set: Collect all circuits.
Silver Frames Set and Hostile Environment Suit: Successfully complete the demo version of the game with a 100% rating.
Silver Module Set: Collect all logs.
Unitologist Circuit Set: Collect all Unitology artifacts.